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Old 10-06-2004, 03:00 AM   #2
'70 C/10 SS500
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Posts: 130
Don't do it! The truck needs you and the motor!

Lux Hauler, I know Caddy’s have a big trunk and all but they are no where near as large as a truck bed! Your name is Lux HAULER, we won't recognize you if you don't keep it that way! The '84 is a slam dunk easy swap but the truck will be a fun one. Doing the truck will give you a great project now, and still allow you to have an ALL Cadillac project waiting for you when ever you are ready. If you do the '84, chances are you MAY never do the truck later. But, the other way around is in no way a possibility because you'd NEVER but a SB 350 in a Cadillac!

I say do them both, but DO THE TRUCK FIRST!

Last edited by '70 C/10 SS500; 10-06-2004 at 12:10 PM.
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