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Old 10-08-2004, 12:45 AM   #4
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I have just completed putting my Auto Meter Pro-Comp Ultra Light guages in my Dash Bezel. I used the 5" electric speedo and tach, and the 2 5/8" clock, voltmeter, fuel level, and mechanical temp and oil pressure of the same size. I mounted them on the outside of the bezel (in the hole from the front) because I really like the ring on the guage, and I felt mounting them from behind put them to far back in the dash. It took me some time to decide, because both ways look good, I just preferred seeing the cool silver ring.

I had to cut the lower holes slightly larger, make an ABS panel for the clock which went in the center upper hole, and wrap the 5" guages to make them larger around to fit more snug in the large holes.

If I can get a picture, I will be glad to post it here for you to check out. I had the 'burb painted a metallic silver, which really looks awesome with the silver faced guages.

Also, I found the "key" to the stock wiring harness in the Haynes (I think) shop manual. It tells what each color of wire coincides with. So then, I just clipped the wires, soldiered(sp) them, and put heat shrink over them.

Auto Meter recommends in line fuses for the tach, electric speedo, and clock, which I also installed.

Put LED's in the turn signal holes into the same ABS piece that a mounted to clock in.

Took plenty of time, but they work and look awesome, and they are in there "right".

Electric Speedo required a sending unit to attach to the tranny where the cable used to go.

PS - The needles on the gauges almost glow, you can see their position at a glance.....coooool
1972 Chevrolet Suburban ('68 front clip), 2wd, 350/350, factory tilt
2008 Kawasaki Concours 14
1997 Harley-Davidson Soft Tail Custom
1948 Chevrolet Coupe (project)
1972 Porsche 914

Last edited by 68plus4sub; 10-08-2004 at 12:47 AM.
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