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Old 10-08-2004, 08:49 AM   #10
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Location: Shelbyville, KY
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Great work. I think everyone who has a Blazer would love to clean and coat the inside of the windshield frame for rust!!! Once done, I'm sure you will feel much better knowing it's solid. Bodywork is like art, you just can't rush it or the quality goes in the toilet.
I have found that if I break down a restoration project into manageable sections of work, I can stay on target for completion a lot easier. Of course I also get side tracked into other BS all the time. My 72 Cheyenne came out of Orange county, Ca and was supposed to be "rust free"--yea! It took about a year to restore to solid street driver and that was 7 years ago. Now I just maintain with semi annual repainting to give it that super "20 foot wet" look!!
My 72 Blazer came from Denver and has very little extra rust ---just enough for the PO to do some body work on and for me to tweek.
Definition of TWEEK-----take one very little tool and remove something only to find that you will need every tool in the garage, in your buddy's shop and about 6 months to fix!!!!!!!!!!! Huck
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