Thread: 62 panel truck
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Old 10-09-2004, 01:05 PM   #2
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Not that hard, you should get v8 engine stands, although you can use the 6 stands, it will be back a couple of inches and if you use tall valve covers they can hit big time. The auto will require crossmember moving at a minimum and new driveshaft. Also I upgraded the radiator to a crossflow 4 core, it required new mounts and shroud (didn't have one to begin with). For the exhaust it should be easy with either headers or manifolds since it will be a auto, Ram horn manifolds work great on these trucks. I would try and get a complete engine to either rebuild or get parts from, like HEI, water pump, alternator, brakets and the like. Get new motor mounts and or run a chain to keep the left side of the engine from moving and jamming the trottle wide open(gotta love throttle rods!)
64 Panel Rebuild Pics
Clutch Replacement and Borg Warner T10 Trans Rebuild

64 Panel 1/2 Ton
BorgWarner t-10
3:73 Auburn Posi
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