What makes you so sure the EGR is bad? Clogged up passages from running too rich is actually more common then a "Bad" EGR.
Many of those EGRs are a Bleed off style and you cannot test them with a hand vac pump. To verify if its working stick your finger against the diaphram and rev the engine up to about 2500RPM and hold it and see if you feel it open. If the holes are to small in the underside of the diaphram housing you can put a stick in the hole against the diaphram and feel the stick move when it opens. If the holes in the underside are large (most are) you can manual open the diaphram with your fingers. At idle if you open it it should cause the idle to go to hell. Its hot might need gloves.
If no change then its proably clogged up ports. Peice of coat hanger and a shop vac WITH THE CARB OFF THE ENGINE (you can suck gas up if the carb is still on and make a large boom and Darwin yourself) usualy does the trick. Will have to pull the carb off to clean the port in the plennum divider. Thats where my 79 plugged up.
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