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Old 10-14-2004, 01:07 AM   #1
Still drivin' a Rat Rod
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Stupid window problems

My driver window keeps falling off track.I have changed almost everything to try and fix it.But if I roll it down,it will not go back up.It slips out of the track on the back side.
I didn't replace the regulator,cause I figured it went up,and down,that was all it was called on to do,so I left it.

I did change the back track,and the wing assembly,the window itself,hoping the track on the window was at fault,but still the same thing.It will roll down half way,then I have to rock the handle to get it to go down,and then it will not come back up.
It also looks as if the window is in a bind,cause it is trying to dig into the wing channel,and pull out the felt,

Anyone have a fix for this,I'm about ready to swap the door,and forget it.
Rusty Member #13872
Instead of are a discomfort in the back of my should be able to say...... you are a pain in the *a$#*

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