caliper years are limited between these eras.... 71-78 is the same.....79-80 the same .....81-86 the same.... so a 76 wont work with a 82 all according to my hollander manual looking up 1/2 ton ranges.
Seems the rotors will interchange as long as you have 2 3/4 inch rear brakes in your 82. There was a 2 inch rear brake in 81-86 era also, and there different... if I read this right.
Senior active founding member.
70 3/4 ton GMC Suburban 4x4 250/4 spd.
71 1/2 ton Suburban Chevy 4x4, 350/350
72 Chev 1 ton tow truck 402BB w/Holmes 440 wrecker on propane
2005 FLSTSCI Harley Springer
85 FXSB Harley Lowrider
72 Triumph 650 Bonneville 5spd
"Poor people don't have hobbies" Quote from wife.