The 1904 is the carb you want from Edelbrock for a direct replacement of the stock Q-jet. I'm bias but IMO, there is no better carb for the street than a Q-jet. The Edelbrock's are the only way to get a new one. Sure, you can buy rebuilt ones, but they are rebuilt. Some will say they might be better than new 1904's. I say bull. I've got a 1904 on my truck and would buy one again in a NY minute. You could buy a 1406 or similar square bore Edelbrock and get by cheaper. They look real cool and are good carbs, but they are not Q-jets. You will not get as good of mileage or power from them. The small primaries of a Q-jet are great for normal driving and gas mileage and the big back barrels are fantastic for power. Rochester knew what they were doing when the designed them for sure. Never listen to anyone who calls them Q-junks and other names. They don't know how to tune them so they are junk to them.
Anyway, I highly recommend a 1904. If you don't mind paying the bucks for one, you sure won't regret ever doing it. I don't know about all the Edelbrock Q-jets, I'm assuming they would all work. But I do know the 1904 is a direct replacement for our stock ones, minus the dual capacity pump system of course.
Roller cams are a great addition to any engine no matter how big or powerful. You don't have to worry about the lifters and lobes wearing out like a flat tappet cam does. They are the only way to go for long duration and high lift. They can be ground with some real quick ramps that a regular cam/lifter combo couldn't be. Again, if you don't mind paying for a retro fit roller, you wouldn't regret ever doing it.