I have 2 problems,and both are starting to really make me wanna throw the thing in floor and monster truck it
#1 Alternator noise.How do I get rid of it? Never had it before in the 75,and this is all the same stuff.Same engine,alternator,stereo,amp,same wire most of it.And it is terrible.So bad I unplugged the ground beside the road so I wouldn't have to listen to it the 3 miles home.
I have all the power wires ran to the battery,on a 2 seperate 12g wire,and then the stereo,and amp connected to that inside the cab.
Then the remote on connected to the fuse block to a switched terminal.
Problem #2.It cuts out at high volume.I have rewired,and checked the wiring 3-4 times,and it still does it.Sounds like it's stuttering,like it's a bad ground.I don't thinmk that's it though.I have the a ground strap to the frame from the cab,and from the engine to the cab.The stereo ground is connected to the bolt that holds the seat down.Should be a great ground.
The stereo operates fine with out the amp.I tried a different amp and it does the same thing.I think it's a big POS
any ideas,cause I'm about to go midevil