Thread: Stereo problems
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Old 10-23-2004, 02:20 AM   #7
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I've been in the carstereo bus since 1986! The first thing I'd try is a new ground, also what size fuse is in that amp if its 20amp or more I'd go to atleast 10 ga wire. I wouldn't use an existing bolt of any kind for ground. I'd find a spot 12 inches or less from the amp if possible and scrape all the paint off the floor and put in a new screw with a star washer. You can pm me for my phone number I'd be happy to help. I also sell and install car audio still.

Special Thanks to All who have helped on the TRUCK!

My Pass Time Show

So Far my best Times are:

Motor only:
6.44 1/8 @ 104.13
10.39 1/4 @ 125.83

Nitrous Times:
5.785 1/8 @ 118.65 with a 1.336 60ft
9.168 1/4 @ 142.58 with a 250 shot dead out of the hole!
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