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Old 10-24-2004, 09:56 PM   #7
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I was shocked to see it, while we where looking at it, a friend of our's walked by and asked us too look at this '28 Packard that was going across the block so alas I did not get to give the full once over. The only thing that I can tell you about the truck is that someone put stick on moulding across the tailgate instead of the proper chrome trim and that under the back window was full of runs and bad bodywork. The rest of the truck looked amazing. I was leaning towards the typo theory as well, only because there was a F**d Ranchero there listed on the "Still For Sale" sign as a AMC Rambler Ambassador. Clealy we are dealing with amateurs here. Joking!!
James Bellwood

1968 930 Extend-A-Cab Dually 5.7l, 5 speed,
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