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Old 10-29-2004, 02:47 PM   #4
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: DFW TX
Posts: 769
Thanks for your reply Russell. You said that you had to rewire some of the harness due to emmisions? What exactly did you remove and how difficult was it to rewire? You also said that you modified your harness so that it would except a later model ecm, how did you do that? Would i be better off just buying a harness from an 86 or later tpi motor (what ecm should i look for on a harness?)? As far as the ecm's are concerned, is there one that is able to be reprogramed or do all of them require new chips when the motor is modified? The reason i ask is because i an eager to put tpi on my old motor but i also know that i plan to build a new motor and would like to be able to just drop it in and reprogram the ecm vs having to have to buy a new harness again or having to modify it.

I guess my question is..... would i have to modify anything on a 86+ tpi harness if i were to do a motor swap later? I know the ecm would need a new chip but other than that would everything else still work the same?

Also, if im planning on doing mods that would require the chip to be reprogrammed, would i be better off just going with a speed density tpi set up? On my vette i had MAF but i never modified it past bolt ons, the engine im wanting to build will most likely be a stroker motor or at least something that puts out 400+ horses. I know MAF can be changed to SD but if im having to get chips made anyway is there any other advantages to maf vs sd?
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