Thread: Free 4 speed
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Old 10-30-2004, 11:11 AM   #10
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Lawrence
Posts: 26
Don't worry, Be happy

76HighSierra put into words exactly what I thought when I posted my original message. Thanks

"Unless you had a prior arangement with the owner, I imagine it's a first come, first served sort of deal. IF you had a prior arrangement, then it doesn't matter much, because I'm sure the owner won't go back on it. HEY!! I want it too!!!! Can I pick it up tomorrow? I'll pay you twenty bucks if you give it to me and just to pi** off all these other guys!! Just kidding. Relax guys, it's only an old tranny with no shifter and bellhousing."

mhc if there was a "line" established then I had planned to play by it.

"according to the thread Jeffs98 is first in line with hause also showing interest. In the end it is up to the seller (giverawayer )"

Yes it is up to Yankee White. In the end the 4 speed doesn't matter. I could use it "possibly", depending on the condition, to fix a problem with my 4 speed. Since it is FREE I wasn't, and am not, expecting too much. I figured that if I was going to make the drive to Manhattan to make a deal on the tcase that I would pick up the tranny IF it was available.

Since I haven't heard back from YankeeWhite about the tcase, it doesn't do me any good to worry about either piece anyway.

jeffs98 don't get your panties tied in a bunch and relax.


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