Well I had "started" a frame off resto on my 75 about a year back, got it stripped, needed lots of work and I ended up buying a model A to start building. So in the meantime while building my A, my blazer's tub sat behind the garage on some blocks without a frame.
So fast forward, I'm moving to my first house, currently renting, so I went to load up the blazer to get it ready to move. The blazer on the other hand had other plans. Seems that its years with me offroading left a bit of mud in the rocker boxes. Which sat and completely rusted them out, along with the rockers and some surrounding floor steel. Upon jacking it up the cab flopped forward to where it was about 2' away from the top, I decided there was no way I was ever going to be able to get it anywhere near back in alignment and it was a little to far gone that I cut her in half by the firewall.
Now the stubborn old girl is waiting for the steel guys to come pick her up for scrap. Its really to bad I had started getting excited about finishing her in the last few weeks, I guess all thats left now is to find a latemodel K5 and stick the top and the windshield surround on.
I've attached a couple of pics of her in her glory days and now.