My wife has helped me alot since the start of the restoration of the truck in 2001. She was there to help us pull the old motor, clean it out, and install the new engine. She's not the kind to sit on the side and watch she was right there with me turning a wrench and asking how something worked and what other things were. She was there for the engine's break in

Well this past week she helped me get my accelerator cable fixed. It had been not working right since I got it running again. The pedal would be floored but the cable was only pulling back a little over half way so I couldn't see how much the truck would do. Well after she helped me fix the cable we've been driving it more. She never drives it unless needs to(she'd rather drive her car which doesn't bother me a bit). So tonight we were out in the truck and I wanted to play with it a bit so I opened the carb up and was hauling a$$!! I hit about 70-80 in 2nd gear and then my wife looked at me and said "You need to take this to the track!!" I was shocked to hear her say that!! I thought she was kidding but she said that she wants me to go and have fun legally and safely. So looks like some trips to the track this year are in order

What has your wife done for your truck lately