Heres what i dont understand.... Well first off let me start by saying that i've been looking for an older "get in and go" 4x4 preferably chevy of course.

But all i can find are these people that have these 4x4's and jack em way in the air.... Ok i get it, the truck is tall and monstery looking, But does anyone leave these things to stock suspension height anymore!?!?! I got my 69 project and its a 2wd so naturally im going to lower it, but i want my daily driver to be a 4x4 preferably not rusted to all get out and a nice dependable vehicle. And i dont want to A: spend half my life savings on tires. B: worry if all the right parts and steering components have been properly put in... C: i dont want to have to buy a ladder to get into my truck every day! UGH! so there it is, me venting about all the jacked up 4x4's that seem to rule my land.
New years resolution: Stop the insanity!