I tried going to work in the truck today. I just got my 275's for the rear last night and put on the new blue reverse lights (gotta show ya'll a picture of those...sweet.) Truck started fine and I made it about 1/8 mile, then the truck shut down. Lifted the hood to check the battery cables (been having probs.) and flames shot up. Probably a faulty wire combined with a cracked fuel line at the filter. Something fried and the truck tried to crank over again and again, feeding the fire. I finally pulled the battery cable, and thank God a water hose was nearby. I put the fire out before too much could get burned, but I need to replace alot of wires and possibly some springs and hoses... I don't know yet. I'm hoping my HEI Super Coil is salvagable.

So much for the new pine bed kit I was gonna order.
P.S. If that hose had not been there, my whole truck would have gone up in flames! I didn't carry a fire extinguisher in the truck, but I'm getting TWO of them now! I would strongly recommend one to everyone. You never know when you might need one for your truck or someone elses!