Another successful one piece window install on TF
Many, many thanks to Blackdiesel for the video he made on getting one piece windows to work in a TF door. He estimates 4 hours to install but I sorta took my time on it and worked on it a little bit over several weekends. Seems like I'd get some momentum then realize I forgot to buy the window channel or the rubber thing that holds the glass in its channel. It took a little thought to get the adjustments all on door #1 but after you get it in the first door, you'll have the second door adjusted within a few minutes. Great mod and works as advertised! Thanks BD!
I did a search on power window kits and think it might be beyond my abilities so I think I'll just leave the window cranks on the truck. Seems the one piece windows are more complex so I'll leave it alone.
'59 Big Window Fleetside