Ok, so I am pretty amped up right now. I just ordered my first new RC vehicle in over 10 years! Up until I was about 20 I was huge into RC cars and trucks, but life kind of drew me away from the hobby. I had a AWD street car (HPI RS4 PRO), a 2WD stadium truck (LOSI LXT), and my all around beater (and personal favorite) a Traxxas Stampede. Over the years I have sold them all to rais e cash for various projects along the way, but I have always missed the hobby. So last weekend I made a surprise sale of some old engine parts I had laying around and had a good chunk of cash laying around that I wasn't expecting. I've got my real truck to build so a chunck of that cash went into the savings pile, but with the rest I decided to divulge myself into my old hobby. I chose my old favorite, which is surprisingly not only still around, but very popular as well: the Traxxas Stampede. I'm feeling like a kid on Christmas eve right now, and the week or so worth of waiting is gonna be the death of me. My wife thinks I am nuts, but I am happy as hell. Here's the link in case anyone is interested. Oh, and I found they had an additional body available for the model, an early 50's Chevy pickup, so of course that is coming as well.
One question: I saw on the website that they used to had a 80's C-10 body for the Stampede, but was listed as discontinued....

....can anyone tell me where I might be able to find one?