A-pillar 3 gauge pod group buy
I emailed AutoMeter about them and was put in touch with the company that makes them for AutoMeter. They will make some with a minimum order of 30 as long as it is prepaid and a stock pillar is provided. I need one for my 85 so I am putting this together for 81-87 trucks. If someone would like to handle a 73-80 group purchase I will give you the contact info. The price will be $50 to $100 each, final pricing to be determined after a pillar is supplied and a prototype made. The time frame is three to four months.
Yes, this has been tried before. Last time the minimum order was 50. I think 30 orders is certainly possible.
I don't mean to be rude so don't take this the wrong way - do not commit unless you are 100% certain that you want one and are equally 100% sure you can and will pay for it. If that sounds like you, reply here and let me know.
EDIT: This is a 3 gauge pod for 2 1/16" gauges.
79 2wd Blazer (Bruiser)
85 M1009 Blazer (Sarge) build
74 Honda Z50 build
Last edited by 68Timber; 11-14-2011 at 02:16 PM.