Wiring Questions - URGENT!
Hello All, I am in the midst of rewiring the whole truck and I have a couple of questions. I am using the original style (no fusebox) harnesses as provided by Classic Parts. I need to wrap it up asap as I have a buyer flying in at the end of the week.
Question 1 - Regarding the high beam switch (aka the dimmer switch), there are three connectors that go to this switch. The connectors are indivdual on the harness and do not terminiate in a "T" style terminal housing like original. So I dont know which connector goes to each of the three terminals on the switch. Can someone please let me know which goes to which?
Question 2 - Same kind of question, but this involves the horn relay. There are three wires coming off the harness that go to the horn relay. One is a light brown wire (frm horn button), one is red (hot from ammeter) and the other is black (goes to horn itself). The issue is I dont know to which terminal in the horn relay itself I need to make the connections for each of the three wires. THere are no labels on the horn relay. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? I do have a wiring diagram but the print is so small I cant make out the letters on the relay drawing.
Thanks alot,