Went to napa with no luck then Oreillys.Found the Rustoleum but couldn't fine the red I needed and at almost $10 a can it never bothered me that I couldn't find it.I ended up getting dupli-color engine enamel Red which should be plenty strong and its high temp.

Should look good on my rims when completed.Now I have lots of prep work a head of me.The guy who went over my truck said it had a rats nest of wires tired together,cut and twisted together and snapped to each other.instead of fooling with the wiring im getting a push button stsrt.Can someone tell me a company that mskes custom wiring harnesses for under the dash.A harness labored with as to where all the wires go.my 65 has a 04vortec idk if that would matter or not.maybe they could add a up to date radio harness too and not cost a arm an a leg.either way im going to need it.its going to be a winter time project
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