Hi everyone. I have always lurked this forum, looking for useful information and to drool over lots of builds. I have always been a 60-66 C10 fan...guess you could say it's in the blood. My grandfather had a gorgeous baby blue and white 66 as his farm truck, my dad had a beautiful 61 that he had put a 62 hood and grill on and painted it dark blue with a white top and re-did the seat and bed wood, and my very first vehicle purchase when I was 17 was a rusted out 1965 C10 (much to my parents chagrin). I put an old 350 in it and drove it open header for a while (when it would actually run). Sadly, a couple years later, it caught on fire while I was driving it and burned to the ground.
I loved that truck and always said I would buy another one. A couple years ago, I happened to see a beautiful red 65 for sale. It had a 230 in it and had a wrist pin knocking around inside, so I got it on the cheap. I drove it home and, sad to say, it sat for a while....but I at least had a 65 again!
I later found a solid 283 that a kid didn't want in his Chevelle anymore (because he said it wasn't running right...), so I got it for next to nothing. I took off the grossly over-carbed 750 Holley, removed the single plane intake, and did some cleaning up on the old engine. Put an original 65 2 barrel intake and Rochester 2G on it, replaced the Made in Taiwan chrome tall valve covers with Chevrolet script ones, traded the HEI for a correct points-type dizzy, found a great deal on an original air filter housing, and stabbed that baby in, and fired her up. runs smooth as silk.

I have plans on rebuilding the 230 and getting everything back to original (as original as I can get it).
Anyway, I am glad to be on this forum.
(Please pay no mind to how dirty the engine compartment is...
