run or not
Hello to all my techies. my setup is a 1971 c10, lq4/th400 with cam, springs, and head upgrade, stock dbw harness. I'm trying to complete the wiring, see if my pcm works, and check my wiring/soldering for continuity. I needed to extend the drive side coil and injector wires (they are not connected). to check if the pcm is operational, I wired the fuel pump relay to see if the fuel system will prime. the relay clicked, but did not pressurize the system. the fuel pump relay signal does turn on my test light for 2 seconds & thens turn off. the fuel pump never primes the fuel lines. questions. would the antitheft pcm feature keep the engine from priming fuel system, cranking and running? is the pcm awaiting the signals of all the connectors such as MAP sensor, coils, Injectors, knock, crank sensor etc. to prime the system. any help I will appreciate it thanks. clark.