Hello everyone, I own a 65 C20 and would like to make a tow rig out of it. my pipe dream is 6BT Cummins and a NV5600. I would box the frame, and make stronger trailing arms with airbags. But as I said that is a pipe dream and isn't going to be true in the next 5 years, but what I really need to know is what should I do to make my 65 tow a 35 foot gooseneck with a 65 VW bug and a 95 4runner across country potently. I realize I will probably get some flack for this and get told to buy a new truck for this, but if I have to buy a new truck I don't think my old lady will like that as we have 4 cars/trucks. LOL

So, any help would be appreciated, even if its telling me 35 foot is too long and try thinking 16-20 feet and one car/truck. Thank you for all your help.