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Old 01-02-2021, 10:19 AM   #1
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Question Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

I ended up taking out my wiper motor to install an after market pump but in the end I went with a Universal Tank Pump from Amazon. I am now getting close to reinstalling it after getting seal/grommets from GMCPauls (arriving today via USPS). As I been looking at the wiper motor more and more (while waiting for my parts) I have some worries.

1. One of the Grommets have a special ground tab, which as I have read is rather important for the motor to go to home/park position. The Grommets are sold as "each" and not a set and the photo on GMCPauls does now show a ground strap. I have seen two other sites that sell as a set Summit and Rich's Camaro. Perhaps GMCPauls will actually send one with a ground strap. Or I'll need to fab one or waste the GMCPauls and order what appears to be a proper set from other vendors
So, if the Grommets from GMCPauls are without a ground strap, what is the best approach? Order proper ones? Even with a ground strap, the original one is riveted on. I have't a way to re-rivet - anyone can share their ideas what they did to insure the motor has a good ground?
2. I have an original Service Manual and on Page 12-19 it talks about the Crank Arm Groove and then the Gear Case Groves. I removed the crank, thinking I needed to come off to remove the motor from the firewall (I have a new seal for this too). My problem is I think I moved the motor a bit when removing the nut. Now looking at the Crank and Motor, I cannot figure for the life of me where these Crank Grooves are at.
What is actually the park position of the motor? Can that even be determined without pulling it apart? Idea's on how to figure this out?

I see some lines on the Crank and Motor but it really does not seem to match up with the photo is showing, so I am going more on how the motor / crank looks from figure 20 (page 12-19) Wiper Motor Crank - Arm in Park Position.
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Old 01-02-2021, 10:57 AM   #2
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

Don't know if you saw this thread:

There is a post about parking in it and where the arm should be in post #63. If you do the test it will go to the park position on it's own.


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Old 01-02-2021, 11:11 AM   #3
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

Thanks Leon, I did see that a few days ago but it did not click with me to use it as a way to get to the parked position.

Okay, I know the wiper motor is good - I only removed it to do something about the silly washer pump. So assuming that the motor is perfectly fine and dandy, I can just mount it, turn it on from the dash and let it park itself after turning it off - them mount the Crank so the wiper arms are also in the parked position. That seems (too) easy!

Though that leaves me with the mounting Grommets and getting a proper ground from the firewall to case of the motor... any tips about this?

At the very least I am assuming I'll need to drill the rivet to get that one special Grommet off. Then either I'll get a Grommet with a ground strap or not.

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Old 01-02-2021, 11:53 AM   #4
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

Originally Posted by Rich72C10 View Post
Thanks Leon, I did see that a few days ago but it did not click with me to use it as a way to get to the parked position.

Okay, I know the wiper motor is good - I only removed it to do something about the silly washer pump. So assuming that the motor is perfectly fine and dandy, I can just mount it, turn it on from the dash and let it park itself after turning it off - them mount the Crank so the wiper arms are also in the parked position. That seems (too) easy!

Though that leaves me with the mounting Grommets and getting a proper ground from the firewall to case of the motor... any tips about this?

At the very least I am assuming I'll need to drill the rivet to get that one special Grommet off. Then either I'll get a Grommet with a ground strap or not.

I would think a new grommet set would have one grommet with the ground strap attached.

You can put a small wire terminal on each end of a short piece of wire, put one end on one of the 1/4" screws that hold the washer pump bracket to the wiper motor and the other end to a screw on the firewall or dash if you needed to.....

Did you read the post in that thread about priming the washer pump? (post #95)


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Old 01-02-2021, 12:11 PM   #5
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

Hi Leon, thank you for mentioning a jumper wire from washer pump screws - I had that in my mind too as an option. So I guess that would be "Plan B".

Well, GMCPaul's grommets are not sold as a set but as "each" and the photo they provide on their site does not show a groundling arm. My grommets, firewall seal, and shaft seal show up today from them. I'll be posting on what I got soon enough but I wanted to hit the ground running on installing the wiper motor.

As for priming the OEM Washer Pump, I don't need to do that anymore as I am now using a aftermarket Jug/Pump combo in the engine bay.
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Old 01-02-2021, 12:28 PM   #6
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

Not trying to steal the thread but, before going through this whole process myself I'd like to ask if there is a way to test the wiper motor without removing it (I have all bezels and switches off). Sorry and thanks.
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Old 01-02-2021, 12:32 PM   #7
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

I'd suggest heading to the Testing Windshield Wiper Motors thread. While it's a tight fit up in there, with a little patience and long wires you could. It would be exponentially harder if you don't have the radio out (or if you don't have a radio hole at all).

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Old 01-02-2021, 02:26 PM   #8
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

Originally Posted by Rich72C10 View Post
I'd suggest heading to the Testing Windshield Wiper Motors thread. While it's a tight fit up in there, with a little patience and long wires you could. It would be exponentially harder if you don't have the radio out (or if you don't have a radio hole at all).
Awesome Richard, thanks. I'll look into it.
I have everything out -including 'oversized hole from PO- as I'm in the middle of my build, but I do not want to take anything else out unless absolutely necessary.
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Old 01-02-2021, 03:59 PM   #9
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

as I feared none of GMCPaul's grommets came with a grounding stinger. Very disappointing - since if I had not stumbled on the threads here about the Wiper Motor grounding I would have installed these non-the wiser.

Though now I need to figure out how to remove that one grommet and then re-design a ground between the motor and something in the dash.

I have to say, between my Tach upgrade (lens/speedo tin issue) and these grommets that I got from GMCPaul's, I am getting a bit frustrated with their parts :'(
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Old 01-02-2021, 04:56 PM   #10
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

Originally Posted by Rich72C10 View Post
as I feared none of GMCPaul's grommets came with a grounding stinger. Very disappointing - since if I had not stumbled on the threads here about the Wiper Motor grounding I would have installed these non-the wiser.

Though now I need to figure out how to remove that one grommet and then re-design a ground between the motor and something in the dash.

I have to say, between my Tach upgrade (lens/speedo tin issue) and these grommets that I got from GMCPaul's, I am getting a bit frustrated with their parts :'(
We sell the wiper motor grommets the same as GM did without ground strap and per product description no ground straps is mentioned only the grommet. The straps come attached to the motors whether new, or rebuilt, the metal sleeve in wiper motor grommet can be removed to remove grommet without needing to remove ground strap. So no need to drill out the ground strap rivet. The only reason to replace a ground strap would be if damaged or missing.
Regarding the tach conversion issues the defect with them occurred mid-year 2020 just prior to your purchase and we only learned of the defects in Sept. / October of this year up till then 20+ years without a issue with these parts and something you would only catch after installation, and we've replaced all lenses that had issues and notified manufacturer of the issue with lenses and tin and the last we spoke with the supplier no other vendor has informed them of the issue so we are the only pro active vendor to notify them and their tachometer conversion is sold by 80-90 % of vendors selling them. The supplier has removed all defective lenses to our knowledge and they are having tooling redone to correct tin issue on speedo but thats a 6 month to a year or more fix in normal times let alone during all the issues from Covid. So things are being corrected.
Paul Jr @ GMCPauls
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Old 01-02-2021, 05:17 PM   #11
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

Thanks Paul for your reply, just seems like my luck as it seems I an the one that gets a bum part (not just for my truck) LOL! It is really good to hear the follow up, especially on the tin. I had to buy one from a forum member (glad I had that as a option) and I had to buy a lens from you guys (but believe you guys will refund once I return the bad one or the new one not used).

As for the ground on the grommet. I might be overly stupid but I don’t see a way to reusing it without messing something up. Both summit and a Camaro site sells them as a 3 piece set with one that has the ground strap. Might want to check them out? Links are above in one of my postings. Might be the 1st.

To be clear, I am not mad at you guys, just frustrated. I do appreciate you guys are there and have parts to sell! You guys are so helpful with all the correspondence between us. I thought that was important to say in case anyone else stumbled on this post and read my comment about GMCPauls.

added the pages from Summit/Rick's Camaro. The bolts from summit are incorrect - seems Rick's is the place to get these if you need Grommets & Bolts. Last photo is what I removed from my washer.
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Old 01-02-2021, 05:20 PM   #12
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

So for the firewall seal that is tar like and has one sticky side - Does the sticky side go to the firewall or to the wiper motor? Or does it even matter?

Well I went with sticky side to the motor, that seemed to make the most sense to me. All back together and working!

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Old 01-02-2021, 08:58 PM   #13
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

Here’s a good video on Youtube about testing the wiper park mode.

On my grommets, I separated one to slide the ground over to reinstall.
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Old 01-02-2021, 09:13 PM   #14
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

Park is working just fine, I was worried much to do about nothing!

The rivet I drilled out, I put a low profile screw in and put a ground jumper wire to the to of the gas paddle bracket. I used a star nut and cleaned up the motor metal for a good connection. Guess it’s working because it’s parking properly :-)

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Old 12-07-2021, 07:26 PM   #15
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

I was reading this thread earlier looking for information on my wiper motor. I see the discussion of the ground on one of the rubber isolators. You do not have to drill any rivets. Push the metal center out from the bottom. This will free the ground strap and you will be able to replace the rubber bushing. I believe GMC Pauls mentioned this in his post. Here is a picture that may help others.

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Old 11-19-2023, 02:41 PM   #16
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

I had taken my wiper motor out to work on the seals and lube, and could not get the ground to work any more when re-installed, so it wouldn't park. I did not even disturb the bushings and ground strap, but it seems just taking the motor out and putting it back in was enough to disturb the inferior ground connection made with the rivet. I think it's a good idea to always remove that rivet and replace with a screw or at least always whack the rivet and bench test the motor using that ground connection while the motor is out, it would have saved me a couple hours of trying to figure out what's going on with the parking. I added a ground wire rather than take the motor out again and work on it.
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