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Old 02-11-2005, 12:38 PM   #1
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WANTED: Parts for 1991 Chevy Crew Cab/Suburban...

Here are some parts I need:

Gray interior pieces, seats, seat belts, overhead console, carpet, etc.
Let me know what all you have. I have other interior to trade if that is an option.

I need a long bed in excellent shape, but I dont have alot to spend. Have parts to trade though. It must have dual tanks and have the gas DOORS.

Some of the interior pieces will work from a '91 burban, so let me know what you have.

Also, power mirrors.

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Old 02-11-2005, 10:12 PM   #2
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Will the interior from an 86 crew cab be the same? I have a CC dually I am pretty sure it has a gray headliner, but the rest of the interior is blue.
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Old 02-12-2005, 04:06 PM   #3
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I have a '91 'Burb and an '86 CCDually, the interiors are identical.

I think the headliner from the 'Burb is the same as the CCab. I sure looks like it to me.

Just my .02


Last edited by GMC1tondually4dr; 02-12-2005 at 04:08 PM.
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Old 02-14-2005, 11:32 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by cochran63
Will the interior from an 86 crew cab be the same? I have a CC dually I am pretty sure it has a gray headliner, but the rest of the interior is blue.
Man i dont know how I would get that shipped for a descent price. Its BIG!!!
Got any pics?
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Old 02-14-2005, 11:34 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by GMC1tondually4dr
I have a '91 'Burb and an '86 CCDually, the interiors are identical.

I think the headliner from the 'Burb is the same as the CCab. I sure looks like it to me.

Just my .02

Hey thanks! Is there any way you can snap some pics of the interior of your burban like the headliner, etc. On the crew cab, is there anything behind the rear seat? Is there any interior panel on that back wall at all? How about the seatbelts, are the seat belts the same in the burban as the crew cab?

Thanks for the help! Also, what about the headliner 'trim' many of those pieces are interchangeable with the burban/crewcab?

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Old 02-14-2005, 11:36 AM   #6
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Also, on your burban....can you see if the headliner is the same or if the burbans is all one pieces...or if maybe the burban one can be cut?
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Old 02-14-2005, 06:03 PM   #7
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I don't have a digital camera. The headliner on the 'Burb has a seam exactly where the headliner on the Dually stops at were the roof and back window panel meet.

I don't know for sure but having them sitting side by side in the "parking lot"
driveway, I would bet $$ that they are the same.

I was going to convert my Dually that has a blue int. to grey, but decided against it. too much crap to redo.

My older son has a digital camera, will try to get ahold of it in the near future.
I have a crash book, will try to look up and see if the part #'s are the same.

There is upholstery on the back panel, just like the ceiling.

There is a trim piece that goes from one side of the cab to the other, that looks just like the 'burb also.

'Burb headliner is two piece, ends exactly where the Dually stops.

Just my .02


Last edited by GMC1tondually4dr; 02-14-2005 at 06:13 PM.
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Old 02-14-2005, 06:12 PM   #8
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Hey man, good info!! If you could get a digi cam, that would be GREAT!! I think my crew cab may be missing pieces then, as I have nothing on the back wall behind the seat or in the rear corners.

That crash book, is that like the one the guy sells on ebay? I was actually looking at getting one of those!
Man, if the headliner is the same, that would be even sweeter as I would be able to get most of the stuff from a burban. Just the back wall stuff would be different I guess, and the carpet and rear seatbelts.

Could ya look at the carpet, and above the rear doors and see if those panels are the same when you get a chance?

I see these burbans all the time, but I dong feel comfortable going up to someone elses truck and sticking my face against the window to check it out
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Old 02-14-2005, 06:28 PM   #9
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My dually is a Master Hauler custom interior. That my make a difference

Just checked the crash book
For the "Burb front section headliner part #1569 7173
Dually headliner part #1401 0956
I would still say that they are the same

Be aware the crash books (Motor or Mitchell crash estimating guide) are given to bodyshops and thrown away when they become old or outdated.

Juat my .02


Last edited by GMC1tondually4dr; 02-14-2005 at 06:31 PM.
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Old 02-14-2005, 06:47 PM   #10
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The part numbers for the trim on the back corners of the cab are the same
for the regular 2dr truck and the 4dr truck
Side back corner #1401 0956 same for 4dr right
#1401 0955 same for 4dr left
center upper #1403 6873 same for 4dr
windshield side #1406 8282 same for 4dr right
#1406 8281 same for 4dr left
center front #1406 8249 same for 4dr
4dr lock pillar trim # 1400 6114 right
# 1400 6113 left

The floors and rocker panel are the same. 4dr and "burbs. the carpet should be the same also. As long as they are both auto and column shift!!!!!

I've got a call to my son who has a digital camera.

Where in CA. I used to live in Escondido, oldest son was born there.

Just my .02


Last edited by GMC1tondually4dr; 02-14-2005 at 06:54 PM.
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Old 02-14-2005, 06:52 PM   #11
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Wonder what the diff is? Hmmm. Weird.

I doubt any dealers have any books left from ' you think?

Here are the ones on ebay. I just realized they are 'sheets'. He probably just ran the original on a copier.

Any idea where I could find a book for the mine?

Thanks for all of the help!!
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Old 02-14-2005, 06:55 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by GMC1tondually4dr
The part numbers for the trim on the back corners of the cab are the same
for the regular 2dr truck and the 4dr truck
Side back corner #1401 0956 same for 4dr right
#1401 0955 same for 4dr left
center upper #1403 6873 same for 4dr
windshield side #1406 8282 same for 4dr right
#1406 8281 same for 4dr left
center front #1406 8249 same for 4dr
4dr lock pillar trim # 1400 6114 right
# 1400 6113 left

The floors and rocker panel are the same. 4dr and "burbs. the carpet should be the same also. As long as they are both auto and column shift!!!!!

I've got a call to my son who has a digital camera.

Where in CA. I used to live in Escondido, oldest son was born there.

Just my .02


That headliner piece you gave me the part number that the actual headliner????

Also, the trim those come in color or??? If not, any idea what the technical name for the gray paint it that is used on those trim pieces? Or where to get some?

Oh and the problem with using the part numbers for the 2door trucks, (if they come painted) is that in 1991, the gray is different than the other years, its a 'special year' I guess Kind of like its the only year to ever have the 4L80E mated to the NP205

I live in Fillmore, off of Hwy. 126 up past Magic Mountain.

Last edited by 90blzr; 02-14-2005 at 06:59 PM.
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Old 02-14-2005, 07:01 PM   #13
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I've been in in the body business for 35 years I just took mine when we upgraded. It is a 1995, prices are way different but the part numbers are the same. I use it for reference all the time.

Try asking at a local body shop, they get upgraded sometimes twice a year and most shops just throw them away. Tell them you are looking for the older ones. Some shops just pile them in the back out of the way and forget about them. It always helps to be buds with a good bodyshop guy

Mine is good only up to 1996 but it works just fine for the older stuff,back to
1988.(Trucks are the same back to 1981).

Glad to be a help! Gary.

Just my .02

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Old 02-14-2005, 07:04 PM   #14
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So....ummmm if I cant find one....the next time you know who your new best friend is right?

What are they called...I mean do I just ask for a crash book for a 1991 Chevy truck or?
Will they list the 1991 with the old body style though?
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Old 02-14-2005, 07:10 PM   #15
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Yes for the headliner.
You used to be able to order the pieces in the correct color but probably not now.
I would get them and just paint them with the correct interior color.
Your local paint jobber should be able to mix the correct color with a color chip or a sample.
Specify that it is for the interior and it will be the right flatness.

I remember going by Magic Mtn. on our way to NoCal to drag race.

Just my .02

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Old 02-14-2005, 07:18 PM   #16
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Motor or Mitchell crash estimating guide.
They make seperate one for General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, German imports
Asian imports.

Any ???

Glad to help

Just my .02

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Old 02-16-2005, 01:27 PM   #17
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still looking
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