I just recieved my Ignitor and I'm going to put it in today. If anyone's interested I'll take pictures and FAQ the process.
The instructions state that I should connect the power upstream of the external ballast resistor if one is installed - do we have this in the '72? I have an ignition-hot line available in the engine compartment.
Looks like the only thing that can change this from a minor install to a major one is the distributor end-play. The air gap between the magnets and the reluctor that mounts to the bottom of the mechanical advance (nice design

is critical - if there is sufficient end-play that this gap is > .060, then the gear must be removed and shims installed. Not the end of the world, but I certainly don't have the shims or the roll pin in my toolbox.
I may do my MSD 6AL today as well - we'll see how it goes