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Old 10-05-2007, 12:25 PM   #1
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Exclamation 68 C10 Windshield Delema

Hello folks,

I have a minor problem that I need a little help with. The windshield on my 68 is clouded about 2" from the drivers side windshield post across the bottom and up the passengers post. I doubt that it is going to get any better so I took it to safe lite auto glass and ask about a new windshield. They were the cheapest in town.

The guy that was the shop foreman wanted to look at the truck before he comitted to doing any of the work. He said that they were bad for rust around the lip. Sure enough, there was some rust, nothing through or bulgeing. But if you pull the seal down far enough you can see that there has been water sitting in there for some time. He said that he would hesitate to installe a new windshield because of the potential for the lip to pull out with it as well. That is what he said. I didn't see a significant amout of rust to concern me. After all it's a 39 year old truck.

I've considered taking it to a shop and having it evaluated for repair/metal replacement. But I have NO IDEA what the job is worth. Can some of you give me some idea what an average price or even a ball park price would be?

I'm not set up with a garage to do it myself or this would not even be posted here. there would be a windshield on the floor and me cleaning and cutting.

Any information would be great.

Thank you!
The FNG Soba
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Old 10-05-2007, 12:31 PM   #2
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Re: 68 C10 Windshield Delema

Buy your own new seal from a board vendor.
Then instead of trying to pull/save the old seal....have the guy (or you can do it) CUT the seal from the inside. Cut off as much as you can with a razor knife, etc....
Then just push the glass outward. It will not pull on any metal.
If you do this yourself, you can sand/prime/whatever the area if needed.
I drove my truck over 40 miles with no glass....wearing goggles... to the shop to have one installed. They couldn't do it, so I drove home again with the new glass in the bed.
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Old 10-05-2007, 08:41 PM   #3
Don Brace
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Re: 68 C10 Windshield Delema

Do what Putter said. Then fix the rust and paint the opening. Get some liquid soap and put it on the opening. Put the new weather strip on the glass. Hold it on the glass with some masking tape or it will keep falling off. Set the bottom of the glass in the opening and pull the rubber in with you fingers or use the hook tool you can get at the auto parts store. I have done four or five of these. They are not that hard. Just take your time.
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Old 10-05-2007, 09:19 PM   #4
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Re: 68 C10 Windshield Delema

my 68 gmc had the same prob .. I called the glass shop .. they send a guy over .. he had no prob with the little rust .. and total was 169.00 now I can see out of the window ..
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Old 10-06-2007, 05:37 AM   #5
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Re: 68 C10 Windshield Delema

I would call around, most shops will only charge $75 bucks for the install, and around $250 for a new window with seal installed. If this is too much then do like putter suggested, good luck and post some pics for us picture hounds.
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Old 10-06-2007, 05:37 AM   #6
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Re: 68 C10 Windshield Delema

from Idaho
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Old 10-06-2007, 07:07 AM   #7
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Re: 68 C10 Windshield Delema

I'm not so concerned with the cost. I wondering if I'm going to have a problem once I get the windshield out. I'm concerned that it's really bad like the guy made it sound. He was convinced that it was going to bend the lip out with the window and seal removal.

I need to know if there are folks that actually had a problem and what did you do to repair it. A new window and seal are not the problem. The problem is that I don't what to pull this mayself and find that I'm not going to get a window back in it. I don't have a garage and I'm concerned that it's going to be more that I can handel in the drivway.

Thanks for all of the advice..
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Old 10-06-2007, 08:05 AM   #8
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Re: 68 C10 Windshield Delema

[QUOTE]I'm concerned that it's really bad like the guy made it sound.[/QUOTE]
If its has bad as you think it might be...this I know...It won't cure itself. You may want to get the rust issue resolved now before it gets to never never land and it's not reversible.
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Last edited by 70cst; 10-06-2007 at 08:05 AM.
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Old 10-06-2007, 08:27 AM   #9
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Re: 68 C10 Windshield Delema

to test the metal just fold bach the rubber and use an icepick or awl and push into the metal and if it starts poking holes in the metal you've got rot and it will get worse the longer you neglect it
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