I've been looking at another 86 pickup for about a week now and finally bought it and brought it home today. The PO told me the battery was weak, but it cranked and I drove it up on the trailer. Got it home and it wouldn't start. Pushed it off the trailer and pulled the truck around and put the jumper cables on it. Still wouldn't crank, kept getting this clicking sound from the starter and then all of a sudden, as I was cranking on it, I saw (and smelled) some smoke. Couldn't tell where it was coming from but it was electrical. I'm thinking starter solenoid. Anyway she wouldn't crank and I couldn't jump it. I've got it on a charger right now. Going to leave it on all night and try again in the morning. Question is, do you think I might have fried the starter, or something else? What else could be wrong and what should I check.

Thanks fellas.