My rad on my '72 work truck has had a slow leak in it for almost a year. Then last week the heater core went, so i picked up a new rad, heater core & thermostat today. I did a search & read the "how to" on a non a/c core replacement. Y'all are right, it was kinda a pain. Had to get the wife to help remove/replace the hood, but all in all it wasn't too bad. Had to clean out the mouse house. The dang new core was too big for the "clips", so i had to do some modding with.....yes...a hammer

. Even so, i could only get one side of the clips to line up with the screw holes, but i don't think it's going anywhere. My fan knob is broke off, so i have to grab it with vise-grips but the fan does work. Had to duct tape up one side of the defroster hose, but having a working de-froster in winter is huge

Anyway, it started raining "again" right after i finished & picked up the tools, so i am a happy camper. Hope everyone has a great Christmas!
Next, the shop gets cleaned out & the '68 goes in for a tear down. Hopefully when spring comes it will be done!