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Old 04-01-2010, 09:13 PM   #1
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Cool 1973 Suzuki T-500 Senior Project Build

Got a new project... It's a 1973 Suzuki T-500. Here in NC we're required to complete a Senior Project for graduation. Sooo my girlfriend's father happened to have a motorcycle that had been sitting in his basement for 20 years. Oh and what was left of a parts bike.. including a new rebuilt block =]. So I tossed the bikes on the back of my truck drove it home and now it sits in my barn. Waiting to be fixed. Waiting for me to get people to help in fixing it . It has a brand new paint job... "Fire Mist Red"... But to be quite honest it looks pink lol.

Okay so far I've bought a new air filter assembly, and a new battery. Unfortunately my carburetors need a rebuild kit and I'm not sure where to get one (help me?) I'm sure I'll have many more questions but I figure I'll start it with the carbs =] thanks in advance. Also my sidecover is cracked. Now I have all the pieces so a fiberglass copy is possible but is there any place I can go about getting a replacement? thanks =] In 1990 the engine was completely rebuilt. Then in sat for 20 years =] hasn't been cranked since 1982.

Finally, where can I get a new wiring harness? thanks =]

Last edited by skyreep1; 04-01-2010 at 09:15 PM.
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Old 04-01-2010, 10:28 PM   #2
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Re: 1973 Suzuki T-500 Senior Project Build

first, that little scooter looks like a great project! next and most importantly, buy a model specific service manual from Clymers or Haynes, turn off the tv, and read, read, read!

I believe most Suzukis had Keihin carbs instead of Mikunis. they aren't that hard to find and rebuild kits are reasonable. you should be able to pick a set of carb gaskets and floats for around $50. you may talk to this cat. he may put you on the right trail:

again, try a vintage japanese salvage yard for the plastics. also, check out to see what: has. when I used to race KZ1000's, I got all my raceday plastic from them.

now as far as a wiring harness goes, make you own! unless every wire has been pulled, you should have a good base to start with. wiring isn't your enemy!

good luck! these old japanese bikes are a great vehicle to cut your mechanical teeth on. they are simple, bullet proof, and a blast to tinker with.

when your ready to become a full fledged bike mechanic, pick yourself up a British bike. talk about a pain in the arse!!!!

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Last edited by tcb-1; 04-01-2010 at 10:33 PM.
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Old 04-02-2010, 10:08 AM   #3
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Re: 1973 Suzuki T-500 Senior Project Build

nice! i love old two strokes. those old titans make great around town commuters
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