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Old 03-26-2010, 12:07 PM   #1
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Shop Heater to work on my 70.

I found this old heater locally and wanted to see what you guys think. The old guy that I am buying it from has not used it. He said the guy he bought it from had the regulator go out on him and that the fan works and combustion chambers look good. He bought a new regulator (sitting on top of heater in pictures) but was not sure if it is the same as the original as it was removed and could not be found by original owner.

Can anyone tell me if it is worth the $50 he is asking or if the regulator will more than likely work, it is a brand new regulator or do well in my 20 x 20 Garage?

I have been looking for a long time and this is the first one that fits the budjet. Sure would be nice to have a warm place to escape and work on the 70 next winter.
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Old 03-26-2010, 12:44 PM   #2
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

not sure if you have antual gas or not but I would get it hung and call your gas company...if it needs to be swapped out to propane they can do it just check with them as to what they need and ask what you can do to save a few $$

all that being said it will def warm your garage..modeins are a great way to heat
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Old 03-26-2010, 12:49 PM   #3
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

I have a natural gas line stubed out to the garage already. 1/2" line with a caped 1/4 turn valve for now just waiting to be plumbed into something. Just wondering if this heater should be it.
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Old 03-26-2010, 12:57 PM   #4
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

I think you should put a T fitting on that line so you can have line for the bbq as well
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Old 03-26-2010, 01:00 PM   #5
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

for that $$ you really can't go wrong..I would hang it and plumb it and run the wiresto it then have them come inspect it so that the liabilty is on them
1970 C10 CST fleetside 472 ....big dreams little cash...
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Old 03-26-2010, 01:05 PM   #6
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

Last week I ran line to the BBQ (no more worrying about tank running out), the man cave, and for a future fire place. I had a friend that works for a fireplace installation company come over and help me so that my house won’t explode. I had all of the material from past jobs. So I was out $50 bucks that I paid him to come help and use his pipe threader. He is out of town or I would have him come look at this heater for me.
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Old 03-26-2010, 01:59 PM   #7
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

Believe it or not that thing will probably run you out of your garage. I put a 125K BTU HOTDAWG in my 30X50 shop and it will cook you like a Hot Dog if you let it. I have found that anything over 58 degrees when I am working in the shop is uncomfortable (TO HOT). I would be real carefull with the regulator. Call a Heating and Cooling business near you and ask them what the proper Regulator is for that unit. I dont think you can beat 50 buck for it. Mine installed was about $900.
Good Luck.

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Old 03-26-2010, 02:08 PM   #8
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

need the numbers off the gas valve
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Old 03-26-2010, 02:48 PM   #9
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

Look up the serial # on the plate you posted the pic of.They should have an online manual for the heater with part #'s.The part you are showing is a gas valve(it may have a regulator built in).Be careful with the heater in a garage it will have a live pilot and gas vapors can cause an explosion.

Her's the website,though I don't know if they can help.I tried decoding the # and it didn't show up.Theier list only goes back to 63 tho.A gas guy can probably hook you up tho since the voltage and flow rates are the main criteria.
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Old 03-26-2010, 07:47 PM   #10
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

Reznor was made in Greenville,Pa for years. They were great heaters and I have one that is smaller than that in my 24' x30' garage. It will cook me out and only raised my gas bill about $10.00 a month. Nothing sweats or rusts. It hangs from the ceiling and dosn't take up any floor space. I set the thermostat at 50* and when I want to work out there I turn it up to 65*. I've had mine for 13 years and it was used when I bougt it. Can't go too wrong for $50.00.
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Old 03-26-2010, 07:59 PM   #11
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

Buy it , install it, and enjoy it, its a great buy and best of all you won't have to go into the house all winter.
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Old 03-26-2010, 09:09 PM   #12
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

It's similar to the one I put in my 22 x 28 garage with a 11' ceiling. Mine works great. The valve does not have to be an exact match, but rated for the same output in btu and pressure rating. It's a bargain at that price.
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Old 03-26-2010, 10:31 PM   #13
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

Id say go for it! I found this last fall at an auction and had no idea what it was and had hopes that it would burn waste oil. It will only burn #1 fuel oil,bio diesel or #1 diesel fuel. Its a 1956 Siegler oil heater and heats my little 30x20 vintage speed shop quite well and ran me about $50 last month to heat the shop. I paid $35 for it.
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Old 03-27-2010, 09:13 AM   #14
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

That 1956 Siegler oil heater is a nice touch to your shop.

I sure wish my shop was heated and air conditioned, but I have so much stuff in it now that it is impossible to set up a heater or air conditioner.

My son-in-law has a central heating and air conditioning system in his with a floor drain in the center. He is a building contractor and built his the way he wanted it. I on the other hand am using the one that my dad and brother built a long time ago.

It is a lot better though than when I lived out west and only had a shade tree, lol.

I guess I will have to take a break from my projects some time before winter and work on the shop, it is 24' by 32'.

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Old 03-27-2010, 09:22 AM   #15
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

Originally Posted by Shyguy View Post
That 1956 Siegler oil heater is a nice touch to your shop.

I sure wish my shop was heated and air conditioned, but I have so much stuff in it now that it is impossible to set up a heater or air conditioner.

My son-in-law has a central heating and air conditioning system in his with a floor drain in the center. He is a building contractor and built his the way he wanted it. I on the other hand am using the one that my dad and brother built a long time ago.

It is a lot better though than when I lived out west and only had a shade tree, lol.

I guess I will have to take a break from my projects some time before winter and work on the shop, it is 24' by 32'.

All my Family is from Dexter, Bernie and Malden MO. As I remember it you may also want to put a de-humidifier in your shop also. That is one humid son of a gun back there.

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Old 03-27-2010, 10:55 AM   #16
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

Originally Posted by JRBECK64 View Post
All my Family is from Dexter, Bernie and Malden MO. As I remember it you may also want to put a de-humidifier in your shop also. That is one humid son of a gun back there.

Yep, it does get mighty humid back here, something I had to get use to when we moved back here in 1996 from Northern Californy.

We live about 30 miles Northeast of Dexter in the country on the old home place I was born on. Quite a change moving back here after living mostly on the west coast for 30 years or so.

'67 Chevy C-20 short stepper - build complete, 454/SM-465.
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Old 03-27-2010, 08:41 PM   #17
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

I work at a heating and cooling supply house. I can tell you right now it's well worth the money. New hanging unit heaters are very expensive. If that gas valve sitting on top is new, it was probably $80-$120. It is plenty for your size shop. Buy it, hook it up, and love it.
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Old 03-29-2010, 03:14 AM   #18
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

I've been in the HVAC industry for 13 years, that ol' rezner looks to be in great shape. "Myself" and I are in agreement that the gas valve is definatly worth its weight in gold, they are spendy and usually what will send a heater of any kind to the scraps if the owners don't have the smarts to spend the money on one.

Hook it up, vent it and enjoy the HEAT!!
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Old 04-07-2010, 05:47 PM   #19
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

I bought the heater!

Here is the regulator tag. Can anyone help me find out if it is compatible with my heater? They both have 3/4" inlets and outlets.
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Old 04-09-2010, 01:16 PM   #20
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

that gas valve will not work with that heater. It is a millivolt gas valve that was usually on floor furnaces or those old heating stoves that sat on the floor in old houses. The control circuit on your reznor is 24 volts. You need a 24 volt gas valve so all your safety switches will still be used. Grainger catalog has them. Robertshaw 720-406 3/4 in 3/4 out, 24 volt standing pilot. this is what you need. assuming the pilot assembly is still there
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Old 04-10-2010, 08:11 PM   #21
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

Originally Posted by jdry68step View Post
that gas valve will not work with that heater. It is a millivolt gas valve that was usually on floor furnaces or those old heating stoves that sat on the floor in old houses. The control circuit on your reznor is 24 volts. You need a 24 volt gas valve so all your safety switches will still be used. Grainger catalog has them. Robertshaw 720-406 3/4 in 3/4 out, 24 volt standing pilot. this is what you need. assuming the pilot assembly is still there
Props to ya. Solid advice is what everyone wants. Ifn noone else tells ya, thanks.
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Old 04-10-2010, 09:28 PM   #22
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

what exactly are you wanting to know? I throw several of those away every year. The univeral gas valve kit would work on this but I buy 60k unit heaters for about $425 dollars so these old ones are just scrap metal and not worth the time. I have a job in a few weeks that I will be trashing (2) more of these. Are you propane on nat gas? As stated the milivolt style is for williams wall heaters and floor furnaces.


and yes I am an hvac guy
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Old 04-11-2010, 02:43 AM   #23
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

Originally Posted by lts70 View Post
I bought the heater!

Here is the regulator tag. Can anyone help me find out if it is compatible with my heater? They both have 3/4" inlets and outlets.
mstrav1973,,,This is what he is wanting to know.

Standing pilots read millivolts. You guys show me a flame that puts off 24 volts, in a residential furnace or unit heater!!!! The gas valve reads the millivolts off the pilot light and allows the thermocouple to open the pilot circuit and hold it open until it doesn't read the millivolts from the piliot light.... Almost every heater out there has a gas valve that runs 24 volts from the transformer through the gas valve through the safety switches, limit switches, etc...

mstrav1973, you did not read the thread, the third post specifies the gas type. So $425 for You is dirt cheap. not every body has that kind of money sitting around for a brand new unit heater. Is that including venting, electric, gas piping to the consumer??? NO IT IS NOT..... so take this wholesale pricing and chuck it cause it helps no one in this thread... If you throw so many away every year why don't you send "Its70 " a gas valve off one you are tossing??? Or at least some original part numbers..

Ohh there are more units than williams walfurnaces and floor furnaces ( whatever in the heck you mean by that ). Millivolt runs`a lot of current fireplaces too!!
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Old 04-11-2010, 05:17 AM   #24
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

Originally Posted by MT71c-10 View Post
mstrav1973,,,This is what he is wanting to know.

Standing pilots read millivolts. You guys show me a flame that puts off 24 volts, in a residential furnace or unit heater!!!! The gas valve reads the millivolts off the pilot light and allows the thermocouple to open the pilot circuit and hold it open until it doesn't read the millivolts from the piliot light.... Almost every heater out there has a gas valve that runs 24 volts from the transformer through the gas valve through the safety switches, limit switches, etc...

mstrav1973, you did not read the thread, the third post specifies the gas type. So $425 for You is dirt cheap. not every body has that kind of money sitting around for a brand new unit heater. Is that including venting, electric, gas piping to the consumer??? NO IT IS NOT..... so take this wholesale pricing and chuck it cause it helps no one in this thread... If you throw so many away every year why don't you send "Its70 " a gas valve off one you are tossing??? Or at least some original part numbers..

Ohh there are more units than williams walfurnaces and floor furnaces ( whatever in the heck you mean by that ). Millivolt runs`a lot of current fireplaces too!!

Wow, that whole statement was lame. The cost of running the gas pipe, the flex, the t-stat, the flu pipe, the power etc.. means nothing!!!! weather he uses this old dinasour or a new one he would have to do install of all associated parts for a complete install!! My point is why by a piece of junk for $50, then have to buy a gas valve, a conversion kit or a retro kit, then later need a fan motor or find out the heat ex is cracked! Why? When all of that would add up to more then the cost of a new one he could have shipped to his door, sized for what he needs and have all the correct parts, oh and by the way, BE BRAND NEW!!!! It would also be half the dimmensions of that one as well.

standing pilots dont read "milivilts", the thermo coupler creates the milivolt signal to hold the pilot open on the gas valve and later allow the stat or bulb to open the mv.

I did not see an answer to weather he confirmed if the original use was LP or nat gas even though the plate was fliped to nat gas. If he was going to have to find a conversion kit, this would be another addeded cost. I attached an add from a simple on line search that ANYBODY could buy!!! It also has elctronic ignition so you dont burn fuel when not in use to keep the pilot lit, but I know you forgot to mention that. oversized units in garages are just as bad as undersized.

Power Exhaust
Electronic Igniter
Residential Certified Dayton LX gas heaters are highly efficient, 81%, and durable. These low-profile gas heaters are an excellent heating option for greenhouses, garages, sheds, etc. Each Dayton heater includes: tubular heat exchanger, electronic ignition, power exhaust system, advanced diagnostic system for dependable worry-free operation, lots of safety features. Some wiring required. Requires 110/120v electricity. Designed for propane or natural gas. Mounting brackets included.

Model BTU Output Price Gas Type Order Online
LX30 24,300 $399 Select Gas Type
LX60 48,600 $429 Select Gas Type
LX75 60,750 $459 Select Gas Type
LX90 72,900 $499 Select Gas Type
All Dayton heaters and accessories are shipped direct to you in 3 to 7 days!

have a good day neighbor!

72 chevy k-10, swb, auto, 35's, rally's, posi, 4" lift, 2.5" old style 40 series flows with headers and crossover pipe and some other stuff!!

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Old 04-12-2010, 11:10 AM   #25
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Re: Shop Heater to work on my 70.

Originally Posted by mstrav1973 View Post
what exactly are you wanting to know? I throw several of those away every year. The univeral gas valve kit would work on this but I buy 60k unit heaters for about $425 dollars so these old ones are just scrap metal and not worth the time. I have a job in a few weeks that I will be trashing (2) more of these. Are you propane on nat gas? As stated the milivolt style is for williams wall heaters and floor furnaces.


and yes I am an hvac guy

The heater is Natural Gas and I have a Natural gas line out to the garage. I get up your way quite often is there a way you could save me a setup from one of the heaters you are going to trash? I would love to get a new heater but it is just not in the budget right now.
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