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Old 02-26-2003, 03:35 AM   #1
i love summertime
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Kelowna BC
Posts: 4,302
My buddy won the award for biggest dip chit HANDS DOWN

hey guys, well i have a good story worth reading....i went over to my buddy bretts tonite to get a stud that holds the air cleaner on my carb and noticed his s10 wasnt there, this thing is brand new, just finished a ground up, it has roughly 650 hp, ( on the bottle ) anyways its got a stroked 383 and pretty much everything done to it possible, anyways cut to the chase, i was like brett where is your truck, and he just looked at me like he was gunna cry and this kid is 20 years ANYWAYS.... he was sitting at home saturday night around 12 midnight and wanted to go to 7-11 for a slurpee ... and to cruise in his new truck, well he got his slush and thought he'd go for a loser lap downtown and check the girls out, and when he was leaving the main drag and noticed a ghost car was behind him, right away he pannacked becuase his lisence was suspended for 3 months, he cut a cop off accidentally or so he this cop is following him and he decides to go back downtown and try and lose him in the traffic, well it sorta worked for a but but when he went back out onto the hwy the cop was right behind him, and shure enough, the lights and sirens come on, brett knew he was fu cked so he decided to run, well he made it about 10 lights and came to a red, for some reason he didnt wanna run the red so he turned into a restaurant parking lot, the cop followed him in and brett peeled out and the chase was on, he hit a straight stretch and was gone, he said it was actually hilarious watching the cop car dissapear in his mirrors, well the cop radioed ahead im assumming because he hit a road block, so he turned right and took 3 ghost cars, 11 cop cars and an expedition on a wild goose chase, he told me he was doing okay for a while (about 20-30 km) but he was running out of places to go, he ended up on a logging road way the hell out in the sticks, no cops in sight but he kept going , he siad he hit a huge wash out kinda thing and his driveshaft flew out from under his truck and on the way it snagged the tank and ripped it right open, while all this was distracting him he ended up backwards in a ditch. right away he turned the truck off, started running back the way he came, ( this guy isnt the brightest if you are wondering) the cops soon came up to him head on and the first car ( ghost car ) actually hit him, knocked him over, and the next thing he knew he was pinned to the ground and he said 15-20 cops were surrounding him, they beat the **** out of him and toook him downtown, he said on the way the driver was being a prick the but other cop was being real nice, showing interest in the truck and stuff, he was joking to the other cop that they need to get faster brett said he was holding back the laughs in the back they threw him in jail over night and he took a cab home the next day, told his old man that he got caught racing a his truck is now impounded for 1 month, and he has to go to court may 29th. he thinks he will lose his lisence for about 6 months to a year tops, i told him 1 year minimum..that was my guess thats my story..feel free to call this guy whatever you want, i felt like his dad tonite when i was tearing him a new asshole...but anyways im sick of typing now...

1967 shortbox stepside Chevy, 365 hp 327, th400.

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