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Old 05-13-2011, 03:06 PM   #1
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Need Expert Help

Hey guys im thinking of installing an aftermarket electric outside take fuel pump that i picked up from my local oreillys. Thing is that im not sure if it will need a fuel regulator or not? Its for normal use. The reason im going electrical is cause the motor im droping in was TBI and i changed it to carb but i dont feel like changing the timing chain cover to make it mechanical. Can you guys help me out here with some tips on how to install, which power wire should i use, and do i need install a fuel regulator as well?
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Old 05-13-2011, 09:07 PM   #2
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Re: Need Expert Help

You shouldn't need a regulator with a standard duty (not a racing model) fuel pump. Electric pumps push much better than they pull, so closer to the tank is better. A filter between the tank and pump is always a good idea. ALWAYS use a low oil pressure safety switch (kills pump power when engine dies) They can be T'ed into oil pressure sending unit fitting and come with a wiring diagram. You can power it through a relay or run straight to the fuse panel to an "ignition on") fed terminal. Either way use heavy (#8 or #10) wire. I also ran mine through a circuit breaker so I can manually kill it. (works well for theft deterrent if you hide it).

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Old 05-13-2011, 11:28 PM   #3
one low c10
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Re: Need Expert Help

why not keep the stock pump and just run a regulator, that way you wouldnt have to mess with wiring or pulling fuel through the factory pump which could cause it to cut out. just my .02 cents
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Old 05-13-2011, 11:46 PM   #4
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Re: Need Expert Help

Originally Posted by 85gmcguy View Post
You shouldn't need a regulator with a standard duty (not a racing model) fuel pump. Electric pumps push much better than they pull, so closer to the tank is better. A filter between the tank and pump is always a good idea. ALWAYS use a low oil pressure safety switch (kills pump power when engine dies) They can be T'ed into oil pressure sending unit fitting and come with a wiring diagram. You can power it through a relay or run straight to the fuse panel to an "ignition on") fed terminal. Either way use heavy (#8 or #10) wire. I also ran mine through a circuit breaker so I can manually kill it. (works well for theft deterrent if you hide it).
A safty switch is always a good idea, but remember the summit oil switches switch off at 5 psi of oil pressure.... at 5psi damage has already been done, and besides thats just something else to go wrong...

Yea, agreed, that fuel pump will need a relay.

Originally Posted by '87shorty View Post
Hey guys im thinking of installing an aftermarket electric outside take fuel pump that i picked up from my local oreillys. Thing is that im not sure if it will need a fuel regulator or not? Its for normal use. The reason im going electrical is cause the motor im droping in was TBI and i changed it to carb but i dont feel like changing the timing chain cover to make it mechanical. Can you guys help me out here with some tips on how to install, which power wire should i use, and do i need install a fuel regulator as well?
U wont need a regulator, however my opinion, return that pump... they are 44 bucks for a reason, save up another 44 bucks and buy a holly or even a sumit brand.... ur carb wants 5-8 psi to operate properly... u need to do more research on how to wire a fuel pump, there are so many things that need to be accounted for (noalox, shrink tape, insulator, 40a relay, mounting locations exc exc exc......) put google to good use. But yea, those KRAGEN (oriley or whatever they think they are) are meant to be used as a TRANSFER PUMP. not a 24/7 main pump, they will not last. I know others are warming up their fingers to respond to this but its my personal opinion, when it comes to saving 50 bucks or sitting on the side of the road and paying a 100 doller towing fee, id save my money.

Originally Posted by one low c10 View Post
why not keep the stock pump and just run a regulator, that way you wouldnt have to mess with wiring or pulling fuel through the factory pump which could cause it to cut out. just my .02 cents
have u ever tried to manually pump a fuelpump with your hands? good luck. if the technology is avaible, use it. if this were 1902 people would say why use a mechanical when u can use a gravity fed..... electrics just more efficent.

good luck.

Last edited by cr34t3d_by_d4rkd3n; 05-13-2011 at 11:48 PM.
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Old 05-14-2011, 07:26 AM   #5
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Re: Need Expert Help

Originally Posted by '87shorty View Post
Hey guys im thinking of installing an aftermarket electric outside take fuel pump that i picked up from my local oreillys. Thing is that im not sure if it will need a fuel regulator or not? Its for normal use. The reason im going electrical is cause the motor im droping in was TBI and i changed it to carb but i dont feel like changing the timing chain cover to make it mechanical. Can you guys help me out here with some tips on how to install, which power wire should i use, and do i need install a fuel regulator as well?
are we talk'n bout an '87 truck ? was the truck TBI to start with ? if yes, you should have an intank fuel pump, if thats true all you need is a regulator to keep it down to 5 to 8 pound's depend'n on the carb use'd.
if not the pump you have should give trouble free service if mount'd and wire'd properly. I've use'd em on many project with no problem's.
you are defently gonna have to use some sort of electric pump if you have a later modle block. the difference is in the block not the time'n chain cover.
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Old 05-14-2011, 11:48 AM   #6
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Re: Need Expert Help

thanks guys for the advice.... it has been a major help. you guys are the greatest. keeping the manual pump takes away power im trying to free up as much power as i can while keeping the engine bone stock for now cause gas isnt too friendly if ya know what i mean lol. and yes im its a good idea too add a safety kill switch for theft purposes lol. so oil sending unit it is then thanks. and the fuel pump is actually a mr. gasket product amnd it delivers 7psi of fuel. it should do fine then. as far as the relay goes how do i accomplish that???
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Old 05-14-2011, 04:09 PM   #7
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Re: Need Expert Help

Originally Posted by '87shorty View Post
thanks guys for the advice.... it has been a major help. you guys are the greatest. keeping the manual pump takes away power im trying to free up as much power as i can while keeping the engine bone stock for now cause gas isnt too friendly if ya know what i mean lol. and yes im its a good idea too add a safety kill switch for theft purposes lol. so oil sending unit it is then thanks. and the fuel pump is actually a mr. gasket product amnd it delivers 7psi of fuel. it should do fine then. as far as the relay goes how do i accomplish that???

This is a simple but effective relay. Basically, you run the main load (fuel pump) through one set of contacts and the switch power through the other set of contacts. That way you're not running the full amp load through a light duty switch. Diagrams are included and are all over the internet as well (just Google it)

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