learn something everyday.
kinda of a funny story.i get a call from the neighbor lady who just got home and saw a couple of dudes tromping thru the woods below my house on another neighbors property.we live in a rural wooded that's big news,somebody snooping around is usually up to no good in my,i keep an eye peeled.mossberg 500 and my glock are usually not far from me.and the sheriff,who i know shows up and tells the neighbor who i assume called it in that they were just "geocaching" which i knew very little about.and they had all the paper work to prove their story.turns out they were even in a rental car.i guess they were really into this hobby.all turned out o.k.just kinda weird.i would think they should for their own safety ask landowners permission to hide it and to look for it.....goes to show.."you learn something everyday"
" Never look up a dead dogs butt."