Winfield Truck, Car, & Bike show, June 22, 2003
Just got some flyers this evening from Doug with info and entry form, but it is too big for my scanner, so I will cut one up and post when I get some time. The show is here in Winfield, KS, and will be at the fairgrounds on Sunday, June 22nd. It is a one day show, but there will be a little Sat. night cruising goin' on. We had a great time last year, and it is definately going to be better this year. Hope some of the board members from this part of the country can make it. If we have a few board members, we will be able to rope off an area so we can all park together, I've already got that cleared with Doug (the guy that is putting on the show).
I took a couple of paint guns up to Yukon Jack on Tuesday, and he took me out to an excellent Mexican restaurant. You guys would have cracked up at us "truck spotting", LOL! It's a disease, I swear it is! LOL! We had a good time, too bad it was such a short visit. Anyway, Yukon is going to have to get with it in order to have the truck painted by then. Tracy's truck should be lookin' real good by that time, and he will be here also. Ironhorse will have his sweet 4x4 here, and we will finally get some pics of it to share. I think Blazerboy and Drecarius will be here, and I hope some of the Wichita members can make it too. Tulsa and OKC area guys, hope to see some of you also.
Just call me LB.
'71 Cheyenne, 402BB, hauls blondes, brunettes, or redheads.