Modern add to AC System A6 Compressor
I was under a misinformed impression it was not good to cycle A6 compressors. 1970cstblazer reminded me that A6 systems in the late 70 and 80 did have a cycle to them. And it seems more Aftermarket systems are modifying or changing POA valves to electrically cycle the compressor. My early 80s 3500 truck did. So with that in mind....
While I am rebuilding the fire damage AC system, I am going to ad 2 switches in series to the clutch power line. One is a Thermostat switch to monitor the temp of the evaporator to eliminate freeze up issues, the other is a Tri-switch to monitor high/low pressure conditions on the high side refrigerant line. Both switches in series would interrupt the power to the compressor clutch should any of the conditions fall outside of acceptable range. I am not sure of the amp load of the compressor nor the capacity of the switches, but it is not difficult to add a relay to the mix if needed. Doing this protects system form High or low pressure state and evaporator freeze.
Can I get a quick reply from those in the know, if this is a good idea or not. If not why?
Thanks for help.