Thats It!! I've had it with people/members who say they "definitely" want something I have for sale, therefore closing the door on TRUE SERIOUS BUYERS who are willing to follow thru, and then stop communicating for 3 or 4 days to only then say they changed their FUC%ING stupid minds!!
I'm sorry, but I'm really pissed!! This is two, (2), Junior Members in a row who don't seem to have the COMMON COURTESY to be TRUTHFUL and GENUINE, and have caused me and other members aggrivation and loss!!
Listen up kiddies, DON'T SAY "I want it, consider it sold, I definitely want those, tell everyone else their sold", or anything else remotely fuc%ing like this unless you have the BALLS to follow thru!!!

There, I've said my piece. I know I'm not alone in this experience but that doesn't make it right! Word of advice; DO NOT DO THIS TO FELLOW MEMBERS, NEXT TIME YOUR NAMES WILL BE POSTED!!
Gotta go soak my index fingers from hitting the keys so hard