I need some expert help
Ok...here's my current dilemma. I have a lead on a shortbed frame..but it's about 5 hours away...and right now I can't swing that trip till after the new year. So I'm looking locally for a 73-87 crossmember to put under the truck and then just shorten the frame.
anyway...I'm going to buy the crossmember in the next month or so and I was going to go ahead and make the bag mounts for the front while it was sitting in the garage. That being said...I want to get the angle right on the bottom bag cup. With the crossmember out of the truck how would I set up the control arms so that they would be at the simulated ride height?
I've been told that the tie rods should be parallel to the ground at ride height...but I'm not sure if that would be right. Any opinions?