so I was bored today right. I'm reading all these posts on here about people's heaters thinking to myself "you know mine don't work that great either, maybe I'll go mess with it". BAD IDEA !! I went out there and was gonna mess with the flapper on the passenger side but before doing so I'd just turn off all the heater controls. SNAP!!! the bottom lever I went to shut off for the heat and that stupid puter metal just broke like a toothpick. No let me rephrase that I think toothpicks are stronger than that stuff. I hate them dang weak controls on there!!!!

Well anyway i took off the plastic covering the flapper for the heat and sure enough the end of the cable came off the pin. Well i got good heat now but broken switches. Anybody know who's got the cheapest rebuild set of those switches and can get it to me the fastest? THANKS ps.......sorry for the long thread