68 k10 engine crossmember question
Hello, I'm getting ready to drop in my new crate early 90's 350 tbi/700r4/241c passenger drop combo in my 68 K10, and I'm leaning towards moving the engine crossmember forward from the current 6 cylinder factory position, to get more firewall clearance, and move the fan closer to the radiator. If I leave it as is, according to my measurements of the engine, there's about 4-5" between the fan and the radiator, even with my long shaft water pump. If I move it forward however, the crossmember will be more or less directly over the axle. That seems like it would be a problem. Am I overthinking it? Didn't the factory install v8's in the forward position?
Last edited by 68isgreat; 03-20-2025 at 12:32 PM.