I've got my truck at the local tranny shop because it blew up 7300 miles after the first rebuild.

Guy told me to bring it back, he would rebuild it AGAIN for no charge. Anyways, I took it on Friday about noon, and the guy calls me at work today and asks me, "Did you have a toolbox in the back of your truck?" I said, "What do you mean, did?" Turns out that a guy he had working for him stole my toolbox. The sorry SOB got a buddy of his and they took the toolbox out of my truck Sunday night. The guy has no fence around his property, and my truck is basically sitting right next to the road. The guy that owns the tranny shop confronted the guy about it and asked him if the took the box. He said he didn't take it, but 10 minutes later, he splits. He called the cops, I talked to the sergeant, told him what all was in the box. I had a smaller tool box with all my tools, a 10 gallon air tank, fluids, and some chrome exhaust tips I was about to have put on the truck. I hope I get everything back, although I know the toolbox itself will be in pretty bad shape. I had it locked, so I figure they either pried it open or drilled out the lock. The tranny shop owner said he would replace my stuff, even though he doesn't have insurance.

I just hope I get all my stuff back, although I know I prolly won't.