Hey guys. I posted a while back that I was/am looking at a couple blazers. Well its actually a case of my buddy in Iowa knows where there are some, and I want em.
Okay, so I call my buddy Steve a few weeks ago to tell him to keep an eye out for a 67-72 4x4 blazer. He says he knows where a few are around his area and would get back to me. Well the one he got back to me about is supposedly a 69 4x4 with a factory bigblock, but Ive been told here you guys dont think such a thing exists. Well Steve swears he's known the guy basically since he had it new, and it is a factory bigblock. Still working on that deal, there's been complications....
Anyway, Steve also tells me he knows where a couple of blazers were sitting, but he didnt know the owners. I had him check them out, and turns out both those blazers are 2WD's. He said "I know you dont want a 2WD, its too bad... one of them has a cherry body". I said "oh I want it alright". lol
So he found out this week who owns the 2wd's (really only interested in the one with the nice body). He called me this morning, said he found out the guy who owns them (get this) buys them to remove the bodies, replace it with a fiberglass body, and use them in tractor pulls. So I guess there's a 2WD class..? So yeah, the owner of the 2WD's sounds like a genius, I predict I'll own the truck very soon.
My question is (I know, finally), what do you guys think a truck like that would be worth? All I know is its a 72 2WD with a 'cherry body', small bock, been sitting... I realize its hard to say without actually seeing it (wish I had pics, I haven't even seen it, but Steve is a autobody man for over 30 years, if he says its nice, its nice), but Im sure you guys have more insight into a guess than would I. Ive pretty much decided if the guy wants any sort of reasonable amount, Im gonna buy it. How often do 2wd's come around that haevn't already been built and want 20k for. I just want to get an idea what 'reasonable' is. Any input or comments would be appreciated. TIA.
edit: Im also still working on the bigblock 4x4 still also. Once I get more info on it I'll let you guys know. Like I said, Steve swears up and down its a factory bigblock.