Edelbrock Performer Carb. f/s
Still available. Used Edelbrock 1400 that came off my son's 85 K5. He changed to a Demon carb. and gave me this one. It's a smog carb I think. I don't need this as I am using a 1405. My son told me he could never get this to work. I put a kit into it about 2 years ago and it worked fine until he played with it again. For all I know, it still works good. No guarantee though. It's missing the electric choke, cause I robbed it for my carb. The outer case needs cleaned up. Get it before it goes to "Evil Bay". I'd like to get $25.00 + the ride or trade for a good Heater Core Housing w/o air. No cracks or repairs.
1997 GMC Sierra Ext
1965 Mustang
Last edited by 70GMCer; 08-19-2005 at 08:35 PM.