New guy from Va.
Howdy guy's ,New here from Va. Live in Danville Va.Getting started on a 68 short step that my dad bought new.He sold it in 1970 when I went across the pond with the Army.I just got the truck back a couple of years ago(actually it's been 7 years looking at the photo album).Been sick for a while,But now back on my feet.Got some pics but can't seem to post them.Want to put it back together for pop's.Will try to get some pic.Worked on it yesterday got the bed off ,hood ,cowl ,pulled valve cover to check casting #s it's got the 3911032 ,70 cc heads and 4bbl.Anybody know what the HP rating was for this engine?I know it ran like a scaulded dog back in the day.Up in the air about the build.Don't know whether to go back almost bone stock or make a semi custom.The truck is all original except for the exhaust and wheels.Any suggestions?anyway glad to be here...........Alton