C-10's for sale in HSV, AL. Not mine, needless to say.
There are two C-10's for sale at the you-sell-it lot on the south parkway, across from Krystal. I can't buy another project right now, but maybe somebody else can, you know?
One appears to be a '67, SWB, orange, body looks to be fairly straight. has some kinda aluminum wheels, maybe Centerline billets.
Other one is red, has a '70 grille, sitting on Rallys. Looks like it has been painted recently but the body isn't that straight.
If anybody wants camera-phone pics or contact info I can stop by and check them out today or tomorrow. (5/13 or 5/14)
Last edited by D.FENS; 05-13-2010 at 12:42 PM.