Help please!!!!
64 c10 it has a 230 inline 6 with a standard 3 speed floor shift, alright now my problem is a couple days ago i was having trouble turning it on so i cranked it up and kept on pressing on the pedal and at one point i had the gas pushed all the way down and it turned on but rite after it turned on a loud grinding sound came from the engine area i went to check and it was the blades on the alternator had some how bent i guess it was the high rev that it got from the gas pedal being all the way down so i fixed that problem but coupe days after i was adjusting the valves on top and you know how messy that gets some time i think it leaked around one-two quarts of oil and i noticed that when i heard loud grinding coming from inside the engine rite away i thought oh it must have low oil but i filled it up again and the grinding sound continued and its not like constant grinding its more of every couple seconds some times it sounds loud and some times you can barley hear it but it still worries me because i don't even what to touch it till i know what it could be....... by the way the grinding noise sounds kind of like when you scrape a metal pipe on concrete , if any one has any idea of what it could be id really appreciate it