8 lug disc brake upgrade
I have searched and read alot about the disc brake upgrade, but I found something that I am still unsure about. I have found a 1992 8 lug Chevy van. Can I use the front discs from this van to convert my 1969 C20? If so, what parts from the van do I need for the swap? I know the 73-87 truck stuff swaps, but I think the van platform continued on into the 90's before a revamp- so I kinda think it is the same stuff as the 73-87 trucks.
Can I use the rotors/calipers/spindles(?) and my factory 69 a-arms? Or do I need the whole a-arm/spindle/rotor/caliper setup? What about hoses? And MC? I have a power brake booster setup from a 69 3/4 that I haven't installed yet- if it would work with this swap (originally had planned to just add power to the drums and roll with that til I found a disc swap candidate).
87 3/4 Burb 454
49 Chev Fleetline Deluxe