108 in Phoenix today
My truck is a black 63 stepper. The 230L6's cam gear shattered last year and rather than address the possible damage, I chose to go with the $1,500 Goodwrench 350. Bolted up to a T-5 out of an 85 z-28. Finishing off the long block, I went with the Marh pulley system pn. 6070 which has 2v crank, 1v alt, 1v water pump. Drivers side alt, they said it would work when I decided to add AC. Went with a Brothers 4 core radiator and their electric fan. Ive decided to go back to a mechanical fan. SO, question is, well, when did hot rodding get so expensive?? I found a serpentine system that I like. The Front Runner from Vintage Air. Then I saw the price. Now I'm back to the pick yard. Can one just strip the entire front system including AC, brackets, hoses etc? How far back would you have to go? Do I need to get the donor heater core? What components from inside the cab? I daily drive the thing and last summer somehow I made it with no ac, but the extra pounds from over the winter and being a year older mixed in with bad traffic has made for an uncomfortable ride.